What does that mean?


1,5 days grapping worked pretty well. But now, its extreme slow; ~1-2min a grap. Following Error appears in the backround-window:

error":"tab load event timeout","timestamp":1522871746,"level_name":"WARNING","message":"request timed out. continuing"}

{"timestamp":1522871987,"level_name":"INFO","message":"will not be sleeping for additional time"}
background_script.js:1 {"timestamp":1522871987,"level_name":"PROFILE","message":"78 DataExtractor getData"}
background_script.js:1 {"timestamp":1522871987,"level_name":"PROFILE","message":"60227 ms job execution"}
background_script.js:1{"url":"here is my url","timestamp":1522871987,"level_name":"INFO","message":"Job execution started"}

What does that mean?

There might be some problems with the target site. You could check network activity by folling steps from this answer - Web scraper slows to a crawl