Web scrapper crashes when trying to select a link

Web Scraper version: 1.75.8
Chrome version: 122.0.6261.129
Firefox version: 123.0.1
OS: windows 10 pro

Link to the site you were scraping: Accueil - Base de données publique des médicaments

When trying to build my sitemap, the selection of the first level of links works fine (A to Z and 0-9). But then when I try to select links on any of those pages, Web scrapper crashes as soon as I try to click on any drug to select the link even if I try a single link.
I tested both Firefox and Chrome but crash on both.
I get the message saying that "Web scrapper slow down Firefox.". I can either wait or try to stop the script or try to debug. Nothing works so I have to close the script.

The page where I try to select that link contains around 1200 of them. Is that too much for web scrapper ? Even tho I tried selecting one link ?

Any help would be appreciated, I am a total beginner.

Thanks in advance.

I did some testing and the third level of links that I need to collect do not seem to be recognized. When I preview the data for the substanceactive nothing appears there.
I suspect it this because the links to "notice" is not recognized : when I click on it to create it as the selector, the orange box only cover the half bottom of the button...

Here is the sitemap I made :

What exactly you need to collect on the page you follow after clicking NOTICE?
You choose a TEXT selector