Slow refresh of my sitemap list in chrome

Chrome version: 129.0.6668.101 (64bit)
Webscraper version: 1.87.6

I have an issue with google chrome extension. I can scrape sitemaps just fine, however it keeps getting stuck when i want to return to list of all my sitemaps.

I open a sitemap > in sitemap option I pick scrape > new tab opens and does its job > return results > i click sitemaps tab to get back on my list.

After each sucesfull scrape it takes longer to load up sitemap list to pick different sitemap. After first it takes seconds, after about ten it takes a minute and keep freezing up with each subsequent one. When it finally loads up a list, picking sitemap and scraping is fast. I only get stuck when I want to load up sitemap list.

Tried same thing in firefox and it works without issue. I only have this problem in chrome.


I was not able to replicate this issue on my workstation. This seems to be connected to your computing resources. You can try clearing the browser cache and cookies and/or reopening the Dev Tools.

Thank you for your reply. If I restart chrome, it resets the process, but soon start freezing again. I worked for years on chrome just fine. This started about a year ago after some update. Seems connected to memory usage.

I have one additional question... Iam bit hesitand to delete cache and cookies. Can my sitemaps be affected by that?

No, that will not remove your sitemaps.

Clearing cache and cookies didnt work. If anything it is slower now. I also tried to watch memory usage when it loads and there is no significant swing in usage of computers resources while that happen.

It can be also connected to number of my sitemaps, Iam on about 5000. However in firefox, it works just fine.

One last difference is that in chrome, I have all sitemaps also stored localy in my browser. With firefox I load them from cloud.