If page is loaded by a selector link, text selectors in page do not recognize parent

emphasized text

To access pages with data, I need to use a selector "element click" (MO_page_Free). However in the accessed pages, I am not able to setup the "text selectors" because they do not recognise the parent selector "element click".
I tested and, if I use a simple link in MO_Page_Free, the Text selectors would recognise their parent and would retrieve the data. However, being a "onclick js event" that triggers the loading of the page, setting MO_page_Free as link will not navigate to pages with data.



"_id": "proper_on_the_works",

"startUrl": [



"selectors": [


  "id": "villeLink",

  "type": "SelectorLink",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": "li:nth-of-type(n+2) a",

  "multiple": true,

  "delay": 0



  "id": "MO_page_Free",

  "type": "SelectorElementClick",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": ".freeBG",

  "multiple": true,

  "delay": 2000,

  "clickElementSelector": ".freeBG img",

  "clickType": "clickOnce",

  "discardInitialElements": "do-not-discard",

  "clickElementUniquenessType": "uniqueText"



  "id": "name_MO",

  "type": "SelectorText",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": "h1",

  "multiple": false,

  "regex": "",

  "delay": 0



  "id": "AgenceLocal_MO",

  "type": "SelectorText",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": ".agence_infos h3",

  "multiple": true,

  "regex": "",

  "delay": 0



  "id": "AgenceTel_MO",

  "type": "SelectorElementAttribute",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": "#agences-proches .agence_action a",

  "multiple": true,

  "extractAttribute": "data-tel",

  "delay": 0



  "id": "AgenceDir_MO",

  "type": "SelectorText",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": ".agence_infos p",

  "multiple": true,

  "regex": "",

  "delay": 0



  "id": "AgencePostalCode_MO",

  "type": "SelectorText",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": ".agence_infos p strong",

  "multiple": true,

  "regex": "",

  "delay": 0



  "id": "pages",

  "type": "SelectorElementClick",

  "parentSelectors": [



  "selector": "div.villes",

  "multiple": true,

  "delay": 2000,

  "clickElementSelector": ".villes a",

  "clickType": "clickOnce",

  "discardInitialElements": "do-not-discard",

  "clickElementUniquenessType": "uniqueText"




@labregowski Hello, unfortunately, you can't access the desired data by using an element click selector, because the page is reloaded and a new link is generated - instead, you should use the link selector.

Test results using Web Scraper Cloud:

For the pagination - div#pagination span + a
For the agency links - div#agences a

More information:


Hope it helps!