Clicking on Download now does nothing in Vivaldi

Web Scraper version: Current
Chrome version: -
Vivaldi version: current
OS: Windows 10

Export Data as CSV - > Loading test data from storage and generating a CSV file.
Once the file has been generated a download link will appear here > Download now!

Clicking on Download now does nothing in Vivaldi. It works in chrome. What is different here?

Web Scraper extension works only on Chrome and Firefox, currently we don't have implementation for other browsers.


can you right click on 'Download Now!' and select 'Inspect Element', does it have download link inside it? That starts with 'blob:'

If it does, you can try to right click on it, and select 'Download Linked Content' to download it manually.

Yet it works otherwise in Vivaldi. And Vivaldi is based on Chromium.

It used to only have fullscreen. After an update, I got save as and now it works. But sometimes I cannot label an element because the field doesn't become active after clicking. Only F12 twice and loading again helps. Again, this is not the problem in chrome.