After dec 21 update all sitemaps disappeared

Let me know if you want to expand somewhere specifically.

Try this one:

var version = 5;
var openRequest ="_pouch_scraper-sitemaps", version);
openRequest.onerror = function (event) {
	console.error("Database error: " + JSON.stringify(event));
openRequest.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {
	console.error("Database upgrade needed: " + JSON.stringify(event));
openRequest.onsuccess = function (event) {
	console.log("connected to database");
	let indexedDb =;
	let transaction = indexedDb.transaction(["document-store", "by-sequence"], "readonly");
	let indexStore = transaction.objectStore("document-store");

	console.log("fetching sitemap index");
	let sitemapInfosRequest = indexStore.getAll();

	console.log("fetching sitemaps");
	let sitemapStore = transaction.objectStore("by-sequence");
	let sitemapsRequest = sitemapStore.getAll();
	sitemapsRequest.onsuccess = function(event) {

		console.log("fetchied sitemaps");
		let sitemaps =;

		let sitemapRevs = {};

		for(let i in sitemaps) {
			let sitemap = sitemaps[i];
			let sitemapId = sitemap._id;
			let sitemapRev = sitemap._rev;
			if(sitemapRev === undefined) {

			let revId  = parseInt(sitemapRev.match(/^(\d+)\-/)[1]);

			if(sitemapRevs[sitemapId] === undefined) {
				sitemapRevs[sitemapId] = revId;
			else if(revId > sitemapRevs[sitemapId]) {
				sitemapRevs[sitemapId] = revId;

		for(let i in sitemaps) {
			let sitemap = sitemaps[i];
			let sitemapRev = sitemap._rev;
			if(sitemapRev === undefined || sitemap._deleted === true) {
			let sitemapId = sitemap._id;
			let revId  = parseInt(sitemapRev.match(/^(\d+)\-/)[1]);

			if(sitemapRevs[sitemapId] === revId) {
				delete sitemap._rev;
				delete sitemap._doc_id_rev;
				let sitemapJSON = JSON.stringify(sitemap);

	sitemapsRequest.onerror = function (event) {
		console.error("sitemaps error: " + JSON.stringify(event));
1 Like

Yay! I can see sitemaps printed! Will backup them as text files on pc and will try to import on fresh web scraper since doing it no yields no results (after I click import nothing happens).
Thank you so much

That's good yo hear! It seems that you were the only one that experienced this after the update. Probably the internal database got somehow corrupted. I think this was caused by some other external factor.

Strange since I'm using browser only for browsing ofc and scraping with your awesome scraper. Could other chrome extensions theoretically have something to do with this?

Other extensions shouldn't have access web scrapers internal storage. They work in a separate sandboxes.

I'm certain many more people other than just the OP have run into this problem. I've encountered it dozens of times. Often with simple enough scrapes that I just recreate them. I've far too many scrapes today that are too time consuming to replicate each time this happens.

I've hit the problem yet again today. I found this post which has indeed helped me find my sitemaps in the console. My pertinent followup question though is - what is the best way of getting the sitemaps out of the console view and into a backup? If it's a matter of manually copy/pasting each sitemap then my question is how do I do so reliably - as the console display is a tree hierarchy that is in a different order than how the sitemaps are constructed within the extension itself.

@midwest81 Can you post your issue in a separate bug report. We will also need error messages from the background script.

At the moment I can tell that We have found another case when something like this might happen. Basically importing a large sitemap will cause chrome storage to fail. It seems that chrome might have recently added a limitation. We have already implemented a sitemap size limitation feature but it hasn't yet been published in chrome store.