Yollgo dont work

Web Scraper version:
Chrome version:
OS: 88.0.4324.182


{id:"my sitemap"}


The idea would be for me to obtain all products via scrape and export to an excel with the following columns: Name, Price, Quantity, Product Reference, Image link.

Already tried:

What I really wanted was to find out which routes the API feeds the site. It is possible?

The website in question is in Angular and is:
LOGIN: +351934538909
PASS: 123456789

The problem is that the data does not appear correct. I wanted to at least see the data in the Preview. But only 60 appear at a time and only appear after leaving and re-entering the page.


i used:

ion-view[nav-view='active'] p.name

ion-view[nav-view='active'] p.price

ion-view[nav-view='active'] p.packet

ion-view[nav-view='active'] .image img

I wanted to at least see the data in the Preview. But only 60 appear at a time and only appear after leaving and re-entering the page.

I just found out ... the problem only happens with the website above. I tried it with a lighter one and it gave more than 400 in the Data Preview. The question now is simpler: how to remove this limit from the Data Preview on the website above?