Xpath selector as a option with css selector

Hi there,
I'm using this awesome tools from 1 years now and i don't have any issues at all, but yesterday i was trying to scrape a web page i realize that css selector is not always a good option to pull a complex data. So i was thinking is it possible to add a option where we select selector option css or Xpath ? Some web pages are very difficult (impossible) to pull data with css selector....so my request is if you add this feature that would be great!


Yes, I agree. https://webscraper.io/ is awesome tool. Xpath selector would be a wonderful addition in time.

Many people argue CSS selectors can do all that Xpath selectors can do. But that's often because they are using JQuery along side CSS in their platform.

In pure CSS selectors, I often cannot chain-traverse up parent, ancestors, back down the siblings and others for very specific and tricky structures. Or pick a node by peeking deep into its descendents, but only select the node's sibling. Also CSS text manipulation for selection is limited.