"Working with a dropdown list"

There is a dropdown menu with a list of countries on the page. To open it, you need to click on it, and then select the required options. I can’t figure out how to implement this.
I’ve tried different selectors, watched various videos, and read through similar questions on forums, but I haven’t found a solution for my situation.
What I need is to be able to open the dropdown list and select all the options to navigate to them for further work. Could you please help me figure out how to take the first step, which will involve navigating through the countries in the list?
I’ll share what I’ve done so far and ask for your help to make this first step work.
Thank you!

Url: Best companies in Pet Store on Trustpilot

{"_id":"Test","startUrl":["https://www.trustpilot.com/categories/pet_store?country=DE"],"selectors":[{"id":"name","parentSelectors":["link"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":"span.typography_display-s__qOjh6","multiple":false,"regex":""},{"id":"site","parentSelectors":["link"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":".styles_badges__dbvAv div.styles_header__7nPK9","multiple":false,"regex":""},{"id":"stars","parentSelectors":["link"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":"p.typography_body-l__KUYFJ.typography_appearance-subtle__8_H2l","multiple":false,"regex":""},{"id":"pagin","parentSelectors":["_root","pagin"],"paginationType":"clickMore","type":"SelectorPagination","selector":"a.pagination-link_next__SDNU4"},{"id":"link","parentSelectors":["_root","pagin"],"type":"SelectorLink","selector":"a.styles_linkWrapper__UWs5j","multiple":true,"linkType":"linkFromHref"}]}

Я ответил тебе в правильном чате в телеге..... надеюсь вопрос решён ?... ))

No, the answer is not clear to me. I know that it’s possible to insert multiple links to retrieve data. But there are 250 of them. Are you suggesting to write all 250 individually in the metadata? I think there's an easier way. I'm still looking for a solution to the problem.


It will not be possible to click through the dropdown since the website is reloaded after each selection thus breaking the sequence.

I guess don2010 recommended generating the county URLs by scraping the country codes.

If you don't want to add the links to the sitemap one by one, you can use append/prepend to the URLs and add " at the beginning and ", at the end. Then just copy the whole bunch in the right place directly in the sitemap JSON.