Want to extract links from chinese site using web scraper

Hope you are in good condition.i want to extract email from web site http://daoshi.shsmu.edu.cn/Pages/IntroductionHome.aspx by converting this page into English and selecting the All Professionals from left sidebar and then selecting each tutor's name link to extract email out of it but web scraper not working in this section.Please help me out in this regard.

I have solved this problem. The web page is a frame structure.

The first step is to grab the information here, that is all the information you want.


If you copy my code import, you can execute it

{"_id":"daoshi","startUrl":["http://daoshi.shsmu.edu.cn/Pages/TeacherIntroductionList.aspx"],"selectors":[{"id":"aha","type":"SelectorElement","selector":"table.rgMasterTable td:nth-of-type(1)","parentSelectors":["_root"],"multiple":true,"delay":0},{"id":"url","type":"SelectorLink","selector":"a","parentSelectors":["aha"],"multiple":true,"delay":0}]}

The result of this code execution is daoshi.csv file.

This data is processed two times, because links are problematic. It is necessary to replace the link address with intermediate problems in batches.

In the daoshi.csv


Batch replacement


Then the link address of the url-href column in the daoshi.csv file is set up in a separate HTML page, and then you can grab the mailbox address in the data page under the url-href column.


thank you so much for your help