Various WS how-to vids

Hi all, pls check out these useful how-to videos from the Web Scraper team first before posting.

Many key topics are covered, including:

Open Web Scraper extension for the first time
Create a sitemap
Add multiple start URLs
Scrape products using scroll selector
Scrape products using "Load More" button
Scrape multiple items within a listings page
Set up pagination with page numbers using Link selector
Set up pagination with "Next" button using Link selector
Set up pagination with page numbers using Element Click selector
Set up pagination with "Next" button using Element Click selector
Extract data from element attribute
Iterate through item drop-down variations
Iterate through item button variations
Iterate through two or more item variation selects
Select elements without clicking on them
Scrape multiple values in one row
Select elements that contain specific text
Select elements that have a specific element
Select elements that don’t contain specific text
Select elements that don’t have a specific element

Each video also comes with a sample sitemap.

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