Stops scraping in the background

I am facing 02 issues:

  1. Stops scraping in the background.. like while scraping if i minimize the window or open another window (browser or folder) on top in full-screen-mode, it stops scraping the data and resumes once scraping window is on top again.. it however, continues to scrape if other windows are opened in Restore-Down (windowed mode).. Is it normal or am i missing something?

  2. "Refresh" button does nothing while data is being scraped..

I would be grateful for any help / explanation or clarity regarding both issues stated above..

Hi, regarding the first issue, the scraper continues to work even if the window is minimized. You might have an outdated version of the extension or browser, there could be many factors.

Regarding point two, the scraper starts to return data only after gathering all the pages that need to be scraped. If there is a large amount of pages, it might take a while.

Yeah i noticed it.. i does keep scraping in the background.. just gets slow sometimes but keeps on scraping alright..

Thanks ..