Describe the problem.
I am trying to capture some pdfs. Ideally, only a few specific pages. My attempt at getting the scraper to capture the pdfs works for the first page then fails and closes. It seems when I use the page presented by the site is slightly different, as the pagination buttons have moved to the bottom of the screen. Reading other posts capturing pdfs is a challenge, if that's the case then a list of URLs would be a step forward.
Url: [You will need to create a free account to access this page]
{"_id":"pdf_save","startUrl":[" a","clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText","clickType":"clickOnce","delay":2000,"discardInitialElements":"do-not-discard","id":"pdf_dl","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root","next_page"],"selector":".buttonList a","type":"SelectorElementClick"},{"id":"next_page","paginationType":"auto","parentSelectors":["_root","next_page"],"selector":"","type":"SelectorPagination"}]}