Select criteria before scraping

Hi there, I'd like to scrape pharmacies from my country, but before I begin, I want to select some filters to narrow my results.

It would be better to show 100 pharmacies instead of 10 to fasten scraping and I'd like to select only active pharmacies ("aktywna") from advanced search ("Wyszukiwarka zaawansowana").

Is it possible using webscraper tool?

This is map I created (no pagination yet):

{"_id":"apt","startUrl":["RA div.simple-cell-value","multiple":false,"delay":0,"regex":""},{"id":"tel","parentSelectors":["rozwin"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":"[label='Telefon'] div.simple-cell-value","multiple":false,"delay":0,"regex":""},{"id":"adres","parentSelectors":["rozwin"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":".c-col-6 div.simple-cell-value","multiple":false,"delay":0,"regex":""},{"id":"status","parentSelectors":["rozwin"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":" div.simple-cell-value","multiple":false,"delay":0,"regex":""}]}

Also, I don't understand why does the map duplicate the results.

Did you ever figure out how to select the filters?
If so can you share some of your insights?

Yes, I've managed to scrape all the data. I can't post the map because i dont have it anymore, but what I remember is that I used starting delay to give me some time to select 100 instead of 10 manually. Then, the website remebered my choice and the scraper did the thing for me.