Scroll Down - Several times scroll

Hi there guys,

I have been trying to scroll this down in several ways and can't make it.
I tried:

  • Selecting each one of the items with multiple and without.
  • Selecting the css class of the items from the code manually
  • Selecting the .wrap from the code manually
    aaaand I run out of ideas. Afterwards I want to get some info from each one, but my problem is the scroll down.
    Any help please?



The scroll down seems to not be working properly, but there is a pagination element that you can use to iterate through the pages:

{"_id":"entitats_temporal","startUrl":["[0]=b04&inclusive_categories=1&view=list"],"selectors":[{"id":"scroll","type":"SelectorElement","parentSelectors":["_root","pagination"],"selector":".model_item","multiple":true,"delay":"0"},{"id":"name","type":"SelectorText","parentSelectors":["scroll"],"selector":"h4","multiple":false,"regex":"","delay":0},{"id":"pagination","type":"SelectorLink","parentSelectors":["_root","pagination"],"selector":"#pagination a","multiple":true,"delay":0}]}

Hi webber,
Thanks, it works. :slight_smile:
Even though I have been trying to understand why and I can't!

For educational purposes:
How did you know that a pagination was needed? because de URL shows a 1?
How did you know that it was needed for the "a" and not for the "div" containing de "a"?
if the scroll down doesn't work... why to add it each time inside the pagination?

Thanks! :wink:

There is a element called 'pagination' hiding in the HTML:

If you select the div with instead of the a, then your link selector will not work.

The element left was not a scroll down, but just an element that encompasses each individual item to make sure that the rest od the selectors do not pick up other elements that might be hiding in the page, causing your data to malign.

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Ah yes, I saw the element and thought it was a scroll down
Awesome, thanks! +1