Scraping shopping and 2 tables for one product

I am scraping products with for example "analytical components" as a table.

As my result, i want to have one row for each product with the table content in one column. So i can import the data :slight_smile:

I tried text and table....but nothing works :frowning:

Example site:

i need this:
Analytische Bestandteile
Rohprotein 14,7 %
Rohfett 7,4 %
Rohfaser 10,2 %
Rohasche 17,3 %
Calcium 2,4 %
Kalium 1,0 %
Magnesium 1,3 %
Natrium 0,1 %
Omega-3-Fettsäuren 1,0 %

Hi Volker,
Table does work, only thing is to add manually some values and tweak the first row to start from result 1 instead of being 1 the headers which you can edit manually at the bottom of the table options.
Give it a try:

{"_id":"vetripharm-scrap","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"analyt","type":"SelectorTable","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div.product-ldesc table:nth-of-type(1)","multiple":true,"columns":[{"header":"Rohprotein","name":"Description","extract":true},{"header":"14,7 %","name":"Value","extract":true}],"delay":"500","tableDataRowSelector":"tr:nth-of-type(n+1)","tableHeaderRowSelector":"tr:nth-of-type(1)"}]}

ok. thanks

i have solved the problem with group selector and excel Visual Basic ....

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