Scraping from favourites list in gearbest

Good day.

I used to be able to paginate manually through all my pages of favourite products on gearbest, to check the prices, using:

as start urls in webscraper but the favourites section has now changed to javascript pages, so you cannot manually select a page :frowning:

You need to have a gearbest account and be logged in to access the url below:


My sitemap is working as intended but I can only scrape the info from the first page, which is of no use, as I have 14 more pages that I need to scrape info from.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,


I have read that this marvelous extension has nethertheless somme limitations: it can't scrape websites where javascript pages are present.

This is such a useful extension for Chrome and I really hope that someone has the know-how to paginate through the GearBest favourites pages, to scrape the data. Holding thumbs...

You can set your start URL to this:[1-n] where n is the last page number.

Hi KristapWS. The page href remains, irrespective of what page you click on. The example you gave is how the href used to be.

This has something to do with js and I'm hoping there is some custom js code that can be loaded using another extension, like cjs, which will force a unique url for each page.

This is the code that I can see on the gearbest favourites page:

class="gbPaging_nav disabled" href="javascript:;" data-goto="prev">Prev
class="gbPaging_index actived" href="javascript:;" data-goto="1">1
class="gbPaging_index " href="javascript:;" data-goto="2">2
class="gbPaging_index " href="javascript:;" data-goto="3">3
class="gbPaging_index " href="javascript:;" data-goto="4">4
class="gbPaging_nav " href="javascript:;" data-goto="next">Next

Unfortunately you won't be able to scrape this page with current web scraper selectors.