Scrape data from a new tab, is it possible ? how?

Hi Scraper Family !

i have an issue with a web page where there is a liste of data which displayed like this :

     Raison sociale     extrait
  1.  Name                   Link
  2.  Name                   Link
  3.  Name                   Link 
  4.  Name                   Link
  5.  Name                   Link
  6.  Name                   Link 

-back- Page 1/4 -next-

If we click on "Link", this open a NEW TAB with data in board that i want to scrape according with the line where the "Link" is.

I don't know how to ask WebScraper to scrape DATA from an other TAB, because the data is on an other web page... I read that we should use Link popup. So how to setup this ?

Should we setup the scrape on the new TAB with the sitemap of the main site ?

Thanks you for your answer !

BEst Regards


The links are regular HTML ones, <a href> so you can just use Type: Link. Example tested with Page load delay: 5000

{"_id":"forum-zefix-ch","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"Row wrappers","type":"SelectorElement","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"tbody","multiple":true },{"id":"Raison sociale","type":"SelectorText","parentSelectors":["Row wrappers"],"selector":"","multiple":false,"regex":"" },{"id":"Extrait","type":"SelectorLink","parentSelectors":["Row wrappers"],"selector":"a[title^='Extrait']","multiple":false },{"id":"Date d'inscription","type":"SelectorText","parentSelectors":["Extrait"],"selector":"#companyReport > table[border='1'] td[align]:nth-of-type(3)","multiple":false,"regex":"" },{"id":"Adresse","type":"SelectorText","parentSelectors":["Extrait"],"selector":"table:nth-of-type(5) td:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(2)","multiple":false,"regex":"" }]}

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Thank you for your anwser ! have a nice 2021 year !

Hi, I'm new in web scaping, can you help me with this issue? Because the link need to be click in order to open the detail. It cannot put in the URL tab.

here's the URL:

this is my sitemaps:
{"_id":"LKPP","startUrl":["["],"selectors":{"id":"pagination","parentSelectors":["_root","pagination"],"paginationType":"clickMore","selector":".next a","type":"SelectorPagination"},{"id":"Nama Paket","parentSelectors":["_root","pagination"],"type":"SelectorLink","selector":"td p a","multiple":true,"linkType":"linkFromHref"},{"id":"Tab Pemenang Berkontrak","parentSelectors":["Nama Paket"],"type":"SelectorLink","selector":"li:nth-of-type(5) a","multiple":false,"linkType":"linkFromHref"},{"id":"Detail Pemenang Berkontrak","parentSelectors":["Tab Pemenang Berkontrak"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":"td","multiple":true,"regex":""}]}