Scrap different cities

Good morning.

I have this web which offers different prices regarding the city (selector #form_cp > select > option:nth-child(insert the number of the city))

I want to scrap prices: row 1: package 1 in which column 1 is the name of the city, column 2 the prices of the package 1; row 2: package 2 in which column 1 is the name of the city, column 2 the prices of the package 2, etc.

How can I do that?

Hi, you can get the city and prices like this:

{"_id":"megacable","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"Name","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"regex":"","selector":".d-xl-block a[data-fancybox]","type":"SelectorText"},{"extractAttribute":"","id":"triple-pack-prices","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"#d_paquetestriples .precio","type":"SelectorGroup"},{"extractAttribute":"","id":"double-pack-prices","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"#d_paquetesdobles .precio","type":"SelectorGroup"}]}

Thank you very much, that fits perfect for me. Just one thing. I want to scrape the prices of all cities. How can I do that?