Regex get all number

i try to extract only number from string how have 123 456$ i only get the first group with this code
(\d+) i got 123 but it miss 456
what could i do

You can use ```[\d\s]+`` to select the numbers and also include the whitespaces.

hi thank that work but i get the space i only want to get number without space if i remove the \s i obtaine only the first 3 numbers

You cannot capture multiple groups of data usng the regex option.

Just scrape the data as is and use the "Text Replace" funtion within Excel to replace the whitespece with no value.

that exactly what i want to try to dont do use excel for remove space, anyway i have creat a python script for clean and compare my data, thank a lot. if you guy can check why i can't crawl this web site using click pagination it will be great.
i have open a post Element click problem