Regex Expression to Gather Everything After 2 Non-Consecutive Spaces

I need to gather the information after the second space character in a line of data. For example I need everything after PSYC 582A in PSYC 582A Cognition - COGNITION. I would normally write an expression that takes everything after a specific character, but my data alternates between having a number or a letter as the last character.

I have already tried (?<=\s{2}).* and (?:[^ ]* ){2}(.+) and (?:\S+\s+){2}(.+) and none of them have worked. Any help with the creation of an expression would be great!

I am looking to gather everything after the course code, PSYC 582A. The problem I am encountering is I need regex that will gather everything in the string after PSYC 582A or PSYC 582, so I am hopeful that I can find an expression that will gather everything after the first two spaces in the string.

Thank you for letting me know that Chrome does not support lookbehind assertions. Both of those regex rules do give me what comes after the second space character, however they are only giving me the next word when I need the rest of the string. For example, PSYC 582A Cognition - COGNITION. is returning "Cognition" rather than "Cognition - COGNITION.". I appreciate the help.

Thank you! This does work for this particular example. Will this expression also work for something like
"PSYC 333 Memory: Historical, Clinical and Cognitive Perspectives" where there is a number before the second space rather than a letter?

Thank you. This is exactly what I needed.

That looks like a great resource, I am very new myself!

Beware of overly-broad regex, and don't worry about the lookbehind warning. It is not for WS.

The course code pattern is consistent, so it is better to use a more specific regex here. E.g.

(?<=[A-Z]{4} \d{3}[A-Z]? ).+