Random request interval/pageload delay

Hi everyone!
I was wondering if anybody has altered the sourcecode to get the page load delays to be random with a floor and a ceiling. Like 2000-4000 ms.

I tried altering the source code myself, but I'm not really familiar with the programming language, so it didn't work.

Would be awesome if someone has a solution for me!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi, in background_script.js replace

const n = e + this.requestInterval;

with something like

const n = e + Math.floor((Math.random()+0.5)*this.requestInterval);

This multiplies the configured request interval with a random number between 0.5 and 1.5. So if you specify a request interval of 20 seconds (20,000 milsecs) the actual interval for each page view will vary between 10 and 30 seconds.

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This solution no longer works.

background_script.js no longer the has the following line:

const n = e + this.requestInterval;

Can you please provide the solution that works with the current code.
