Radio + Button click to load article/details page

Hello, I have to click on a radio button to select a row and then again, on the same page, click on a button to see the article/details page the radio button point to:

Any suggestions on how to do it ?

No one can suggest something ?

You could try to click on the radio button with element click selector and then with a link navigate to the article page.

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Thank you for your answer, but I think this is not possible on this site.

The start url I’m using is obtained going to


then selecting any value from “last” and “common” drop down at the bottom (Sec group), and then clicking on page 1.

With this sample sitemap, the button now is clicked only after the last radio button is selected, while the page data is correctly extracted through regex, but I need to repeat the process for any single radio button.

Pagination seems to work correctly using ranges.

I've tried to not only select the radio button, but even to check it using JQuery, but each time I click on the Element preview button I get this error:

content script error {method: "elementPreview", params: Array(1)} Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: