Pagination work but no full data extract

I try to scrapt data from the url:, click on each project and scrape data from it.
there's a button to load more results and I want the all history results..
but after scrape I get only 40 records. Please advice where I wrong. Thanks a lot!!
The sitemap that I already did:
"_id": "headstartpagination",
"startUrl": [
"selectors": [
"id": "Load",
"type": "SelectorElementClick",
"parentSelectors": [
"selector": "jsx-2647504177",
"multiple": true,
"delay": "5000",
"clickElementSelector": "span.jss202",
"clickType": "clickMore",
"discardInitialElements": "discard-when-click-element-exists",
"clickElementUniquenessType": "uniqueHTML"
"id": "link",
"type": "SelectorLink",
"parentSelectors": [
"selector": ".jsx-2647504177 a",
"multiple": true,
"delay": 0
"id": "שם פרויקט",
"type": "SelectorText",
"parentSelectors": [
"selector": "div.jsx-4174497251",
"multiple": false,
"regex": "",
"delay": 0
"id": "שם היזם",
"type": "SelectorText",
"parentSelectors": [
"selector": "div.bold-name",
"multiple": false,
"regex": "",
"delay": 0