Opening a window, scrape, close it and repeat

Hello guys, i'm having trouble scraping a website, i have to open 1643 windows inside the website and it crash after a bit of time. I understood that it is because i open more windows than allowed so i need to close them after scraping the data. I saw other posts on this solution but i couldn't make it work, everytime i try to include the exit button in the element click selector i doesn't work, so i'm asking for your help !
Btw in what order does this scraper work ?


Sitemap: (i only linked the part that is not working, so the one that is clicking on the more button is not here)

{"_id":"web3","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"elemente","type":"SelectorElementClick","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div.ReactModal__Content","multiple":true,"delay":"0","clickElementSelector":"div.algolia-hit-box","clickType":"clickOnce","discardInitialElements":true,"clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText"},{"id":"site","type":"SelectorLink","parentSelectors":["elemente"],"selector":"span.m-social.m-website a","multiple":false,"delay":0},{"id":"exit","type":"SelectorElementClick","parentSelectors":["elemente"],"selector":"parent","multiple":true,"delay":"10","clickElementSelector":"svg.times","clickType":"clickOnce","discardInitialElements":true,"clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText"}]}

Thank you !

EDIT : I have found a way to close them but only after they are ALL loaded (so it doesn't help in this problematic)

This will get you partially there but it doesn't account for the "load-more" button.

However, I fixed your pop-up issue and also you had link selector used instead of element-attribute to capture the URL of the companies.

EDIT: To load ALL the elements, I think you'll need a click selector within a click selector, which only works on the newest version. Perhaps someone else can verify

{"_id":"web3","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"elemente","type":"SelectorElementClick","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div.ReactModal__Content","multiple":true,"delay":"0","clickElementSelector":"div.algolia-hit-box,.close-modal","clickType":"clickOnce","discardInitialElements":false,"clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueCSSSelector"},{"id":"site","type":"SelectorElementAttribute","parentSelectors":["elemente"],"selector":"span.m-social.m-website a","multiple":false,"extractAttribute":"href","delay":0}]}

Hello Bretfeig! Thank you for taking time to help me :slight_smile:

As for the script weirdly for me it runs all the pop up without closing them :confused: so i get the same problem as usual,
I have the last version of web scraper but still it doesn't seems to work.

EDIT : Another weird thing : it seems like only one pop up out of 2 are closing (and i can't know when they are)