Not able to select links

Hi, i am trying to create a link selector that opens the details within each company, however, none of the inbuilt options seems to work. There seems to be no option to click the View profile button.

Can someone please help, this is the url to scrape - Global Fleet Marketplace


Use ElementClick to follow company profile

thank you for replying, i tried that but it doesnt open the individual page list for me to select the other details.

Hi, please share your sitemap.

Hi Jan, i dont have any sitemap, it does not allow me to select the link to open the sub page, so couldnt really create a site map.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to scrape this data via the extension due to the specific navigation setup where everything is handled by Javascript. However, it is possible to scrape the website within the Web Scraper Cloud environment but that would require a subscription.

ok..thank you for letting me know