Multiple Image links to one row or cell

I tried to look at all solutions posted in forums but I just don't get.

How do you scrape multiple image links in a single row or cell instead of multiple rows (which how it originally works multiple checkbox option.

Her is one of the many pages that I try to scrape

Can you please help me with that? All the rest of sitemap works well.
My only problem is with multiple option!
I just can't get my head around this element selector then another selector like "image" or "text" or something else.

Thank you!

And also I can't make image downloader script work.
It doesn't download anything.
It just flashes for a second and creates a folder with the name of the csv file, that's all.
There's another thread in the forum (with a screen share video), with the same problem but no answer.


Got it working? I'm also having problems and I don't know why.

No. Sorry.

And nobody seems to care enough to answer my questions.

It's not like I don't know how to use a computer. I'm a 3d artist, so my life passes in front of computers.

It's just that FAQ or tutorials aren't clear and/or detailed enough.

Too bad :frowning: I'll let you know if I find some clue.

Thanks! I'll do the same.

Hi guys!

Figured it out for you:

{"_id":"test","startUrl":"","selectors":[{"parentSelectors":["_root"],"type":"SelectorImage","multiple":true,"id":"pic","selector":"a.jg-entry img","downloadImage":true,"delay":""}]}

Once you do scrape, it will let you download all of the images one by one.

In order for image download script to work your image column names must end with -src and contain only one image URL per cell.

sir not working pease check

I'm new here and been seeing this type of codes. How can we use this?
I am newbie and a non-programmer. Thank you in advance