Looking for map coordinates

Hello Team Web Scraper,

I am looking for lat long from the below url. When i check the source of the page it shows the coordinates but i am unable to find it on the page. kindly help.


Url: google url

{id:"sitemap code"}

@naveed Hi. Are you trying to scrape the directions?

No, Latitude longitude of lounge. which is 53.4550353,-2.2274351

which is given in the source code of the previous urls

hope you can help me in that. thanks

with the source i mean this view page source (view-source:360 Lounge shisha bar united kingdom - Google Search)

Since it's in the source, you can get at it with Type: HTML and a couple of regex:



{"_id":"google-search-coordinates","startUrl":["https://www.google.com/search?q=360+Lounge+shisha+bar+united+kingdom"],"selectors":[{"id":"Title","type":"SelectorText","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div > h2[data-attrid='title']","multiple":false,"regex":""},{"id":"Latitude","type":"SelectorHTML","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"html","multiple":false,"regex":"(?<=data-url[^@]+@)[\\d\\.\\-]+"},{"id":"Longitude","type":"SelectorHTML","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"html","multiple":false,"regex":"(?<=data-url[^@]+@[\\d\\.\\-]+\\,)[\\d\\.\\-]+"}]}

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Or if you want both in one line, use


which will get you: 53.4550353,-2.2252464

Awesome leemeng. it works. Thanks Alot.