I want to retrieve only text after 5 digits

Hi everyone

The source is text
I used Txt selector
I want to keep ONLY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY (without the dot at the end of the line if possible)

I created a regex \d{5} (.*), result is 12345 YYYYYYYYYYYYY. (the whole group 0)
In group 1 i think i have YYYYYYYYYYYYY. only (tested on regex101.com) but how can i have only group 1 as result in Web Scraper ?

Preview give me Group 0 all the time :frowning:

Need your help. Thanks a lot !

Found myself : (?<=\d{5})(.*)

:+1:t3: Yes, that is a "positive lookbehind". The one below will only return letters and digits (no period):

(?<=\d{5}) \w+

Hey !!! thanks a lot

Is there any solution if i have 12345 12345 YYYYYYYYY. ? the regex stop at the first one and takes 12345 YYYYYYYY :smiley:

If the last bit always ends with a period, you can just add a "positive lookahead":

(?<=\d{5}) \w+(?=\.)

Then it'll work for either scenario.