How to store data when Stop the scraping process

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Hello,If the data I scrape is huge, It will waste a lot of time , I stop the scraping process when it is not finished, how can I store the data that already scraped?


{"_id":"itjuzi","startUrl":["英语"],"selectors":[{"id":"aaa","type":"SelectorElementClick","selector":"ul.list-normal a","parentSelectors":["_root"],"multiple":true,"delay":"3000","clickElementSelector":"a.act-searchloadmore","clickType":"clickMore","discardInitialElements":false,"clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueCSSSelector"},{"id":"bbb","type":"SelectorText","selector":"h4","parentSelectors":["aaa"],"multiple":false,"regex":"","delay":0}]}

when the scraping has ever started and is collecting data, just close the window of the scraping process.
Then Browse and you will find here the beginning of the data you get.

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I just try what you say, I click "scrape", and the process is running , then I close the window of the scraping process.

Then I click "browse", but it is empty, I didn't find the data i get.

If you are using element click selector, you will have to wait until it is done clicking to get any data because the data extraction happens only when there is nothing to click anymore.

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Thanks for your reply.