How to scrape hover-box content?

When I tried to scrape the information about the Tripadvisor user from the mouse hover window, I didn't know which kind of the format should be used? for example, history of the user: "TripAdvisor member since 2013"; age: "25-34"; gender: "woman". Please help.


{"id":"ridgewalkuserinfo","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"namelist","type":"SelectorLink","selector":"div.quote a","parentSelectors":["_root"],"multiple":true,"delay":0},{"id":"name","type":"SelectorText","selector":"div#taplc_location_reviews_list_responsive_sur_callout_0.ppr_rup div.username span.expand_inline","parentSelectors":["namelist"],"multiple":false,"regex":"","delay":0}]}

Hi, unfortunately it's not possible to pick info from this popup, as it shows up on mouse hover not click.

I'd rather set up a link to the user (username is clickable), and then scrape info out of user page instead.