This category is meant for asking questions about how to build a proper sitemap. Before posting make sure that answer isn't already posted in "FAQ" category or if someone already haven't faced the same problem and have posted it in this category. If you have just signed up, you have to read other posts for at least 10 minutes before creating a new post.
Follow this post structure when posting in this categroy:
Write a brief description about what you want to achieve with your sitemap.
Write a brief description about the problem that you are facing.
Post your current sitemap.
When responding to post, explain how to solve the current issue with fixed sitemap(optional). Keep your posts tidy without unnecessary information.
If you are facing the same or similar problem, don't respond with something like "I'm facing the same problem", instead press the "Like" button below the post so more people can see it to increase the chance of someone responding with solution.