How to locate DIV and li correctly to pull the right information in the correct cells?

Hi, I am trying to pull information like...

  • Anzahl Betten: 662
  • Anzahl der Fachabteilungen: 19

...out of the blue expandable box named "Basis-Infos" on the lower right, from this webpage...

Unfortunately the list point IDs vary in number from hospital to hospital (page to page). So I don't know how to anker it right to get the correct info pulled in the right cell. Can I somehow search for i.e. "Anzahl Betten" and thereby pull the info "662" in the right cell?

The same problem I have a little lower in the expandable blue box "Unternehmen", where I try to pull info of the expandable sub boxes i.e. "Pflegedienstleitung". Is there any approach to anker these div sections correctly to pull the info precisely?

Thank you very much.

@Gunnars Hi, are you looking to isolate the number from the text - just to have the value of 662?

If so - it is possible to be done using the following 'Text' selector - li:contains("Anzahl Betten") & Regex - \d+


{"_id":"deutsches-krankenhaus-verzeichnis-de","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"delay":0,"id":"anzahl-betten","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"regex":"\\d+","selector":"li:contains(\"Anzahl Betten\")","type":"SelectorText"}]}

Thanks @viesturs, that helps awesome when the number is 662 (like in the example), but when the number is 133.026 the point is regarded as a komma and it only reads out the 133 not the 026. In German notation that is 133,026. What does the \d+ stand for? Maybe it can be solved by using another number format.

@Gunnars It is a formula to extract a certain type of data(in this case - digits).

Learn more:

To extract the numbers that contain dots you can use this regex - [\d.]+