How to get URL of current web page im in

Hello folks! I hope you're having a good if not a great day/night. I'm new in using webscraper, and just experimenting around.

I've been trying to get the URL of the web page I'm currently in.
Like for instance you open a link, now the next step is getting the URL of that web page that was opened by that link.

I've been struggling since the link selector only limits me to the links that are available on the webpage, when what I need to extract is the URL of the page (example: where I'm currently in) which is just displayed on the address bar on top and can't be found anywhere in the page.

Is there a way to do this?

If the website uses standard a href links (most do), then your scrape results would contain a column with the URL that was opened. The column name will be something like link-href or link-follow.

For shopify pages, most of them have a header element named "canonical" which contains the current URL, e.g.

{"_id":"shopify-test","startUrl":["",""],"selectors":[{"extractAttribute":"href","id":"get canonical","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"head link[rel=\"canonical\"]","type":"SelectorElementAttribute"}]}