Hi, Is it possible to use this scraping tool to scrape on Google? Data needed to be scrape are,
Website Link, Address, Phone Number, Email, Services.
If anyone knows how to do it, I'm willing to pay. Thank you!
Hi, Is it possible to use this scraping tool to scrape on Google? Data needed to be scrape are,
Website Link, Address, Phone Number, Email, Services.
If anyone knows how to do it, I'm willing to pay. Thank you!
it is possible to scrape Google Search results
Do you know how? Thanks
Sure I know:
{"_id":"google-com","startUrl":["https://www.google.ru/search?q=jeans"],"selectors":[{"id":"element","multiple":true,"parentSelectors":["pages"],"selector":"div div[lang]","type":"SelectorElement"},{"id":"pages","paginationType":"auto","parentSelectors":["_root","pages"],"selector":"a[id*=\"pnnext\"]","type":"SelectorPagination"},{"id":"title","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["element"],"regex":"","selector":"h3","type":"SelectorText"},{"id":"desc","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["element"],"regex":"","selector":"[style*=\"-webkit-line-clamp\"] span","type":"SelectorText"},{"extractAttribute":"href","id":"URL","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["element"],"selector":"a:has(h3)","type":"SelectorElementAttribute"}]}
You can improve this sitemap as you wish
I tried but only the title are getting scrape. I want all details of a website like, Website name, Email address, Phone, Address, Services. Any chance to do it? Thank you!
send me a screenshot with data you need...