How to deal with the datepicker?


I want to scrape the text from this website, but the site has a built-in datepicker. How can I set up a map to automatically select different dates and scrape the content? I've found some information suggesting that Selenium is needed to handle data from a datepicker. I'm curious if Web Scraper can do this and how to. Thank you very much!

Url: 華語單曲週榜 - KKBOX 風雲榜


It looks like the date attribute can be added to the start URL, like: 華語單曲週榜 - KKBOX 風雲榜

That seems like a good and simple solution.


Thank you very much. I understand.
But what if I want to scrape the data from 2015/01/01 to today?

It is possible to scrape a weekly list only.... so you need to generate all links with picked data (+7 days) as you wish