How to click through multiple elements on the page before scraping

I'm trying to scrape the table on this page for all combinations of send country, send currency, receive country and receive currency (4 parameters). The ideal output format would be to have all the rows in the table, where each row would be accompanied by the 4 parameters e.g.

Great Britain | GBP | Poland | PLN | Fast | ....
Great Britain | GBP | Poland | PLN | SuperFAST | ....
Great Britain | GBP | Poland | PLN | Transfer to the Post Office | ....
Great Britain | GBP | Poland | GBP | Fast | ....

I'm new to Webscraper but I was able to build a very simple preliminary sitemap with one Element Click selector which loops through the list options for the sending country, and then a child Text selector which gets the sending country name.

The problem is that I'm not really sure where to place my other Element Click selectors for the 3 other parameters (sending currency, receiving country, receiving currency) and my Table selector for the table itself. Should they all be nested children within one another with the Table last i.e. country-from -> (country-from-text, currency-from) -> (currency-from-text, country-to) -> (country-to-text, currency-to) -> (currency-to-text, table)?

Also, how are delays handled when nesting selectors like this? If a parent selector has a delay of 500ms and a child selector 500ms, will they both iterate at the same time (i.e. will lead to problems) or will the parent wait for at least 500ms while the child iterates?


{"_id":"easysend2","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"country-from","type":"SelectorElementClick","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div.form-exchange-wrapper","multiple":true,"delay":"500","clickElementSelector":"select[name="country-in"] option:enabled","clickType":"clickOnce","discardInitialElements":"do-not-discard","clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText"},{"id":"country-from-text","type":"SelectorText","parentSelectors":["country-from"],"selector":":selected","multiple":false,"regex":"","delay":0}]}

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