I have a lot of problem scraping this website :
Url: Clubfinder
I don't know how to navigate through all the pages in the 4 drop down lists. What I want to retrieve on the webpages reached is :
- Name of the Club
Can somebody help me ?
I have a lot of problem scraping this website :
Url: Clubfinder
I don't know how to navigate through all the pages in the 4 drop down lists. What I want to retrieve on the webpages reached is :
Can somebody help me ?
You can start with this sitemap to traverse through all the links:
{"_id":"lions-ch","startUrl":["https://www.lions.ch/fr/ueber-uns/distrikte-clubs/clubfinder.html"],"selectors":[{"id":"links","linkType":"linkFromAttributes","multiple":true,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":".tx_lionsbase_piclubselector option","type":"SelectorLink"},{"id":"name","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["links"],"regex":"","selector":"h1","type":"SelectorText"},{"id":"e-mail","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["links"],"regex":"","selector":"tr:contains('E-Mail') td a,tr:contains('E-mail') td a, tr:contains('Email') td a","type":"SelectorText"}]}
Some of the pages have a different layout, thus fine-tuning will be necessary.
Many thanx ! It's perfect !