Help on the Octoparse or Zenoposter software


I have been trying for a few days now to get the emails of the mappy merchant files (I want to specify that it is for educational purposes and that none of the data will be resold or otherwise :wink: ).

I think that to retrieve the mail it is necessary to use a GET request (which I understood the function but not the way to use it on Octoparse or Zenoposter).

So, I come to ask if someone has the solution to scrape this on Octoparse or Zenoposter,(Slight preference for Octoparse :wink: ) I will be very grateful :slight_smile: .

Thanks !

Here is an example of a trader's card:

@jhnm Hello, not sure about the Octoparse or Zenoposter, but using Web Scraper you should be able to extract this data by using an 'Element click' in a combination with 'Pop-up link' selectors.

Example sitemap:

{"_id":"fr-mappy-com","startUrl":[",46.02050000000048,1.5781787236664968,48.29207000000034"],"selectors":[{"id":"pop-up","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["click"],"selector":"div.mainDetail + div span:contains(\"E-mail\"):nth(0)","type":"SelectorPopupLink"},{"clickElementSelector":"ul > li:nth-of-type(-n+5) a[href*=\"/poi\"]","clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueCSSSelector","clickType":"clickOnce","delay":2000,"discardInitialElements":"discard-when-click-element-exists","id":"click","multiple":true,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"html","type":"SelectorElementClick"}]}

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