Get certain and not all information


I have about 200 postcodes and want to get some information for these. For that I wanna use the domain My problem: Is it possible to let scrape the webscraper only these ~200 postcodes?...for example by importing an Excel?


Unfortunately the website you brought does not support multiple ZIP-code search (example: 1111 2222 3333 will return a results of all 3 zipcodes with addresses).

However when you use search, it will result in change of URL, for example, i'm searching for a zip-code "44787",
when i enter it and click search, URL would look like:

So you can build a sitemap using mask.

You can create an array of zip-codes in excel, and then merge them with above mask OR use WebScraper's internal Edit Metadata menu option, and just copy the mask, then just add needed zip-codes.

There's an advanced way of creating sitemaps that require knowing how WebScraper works, let me know if you want me to help.

Thx, it worked! I didnt know about the option of putting more than 1 link in the webscraper! :slight_smile:

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