Extract with an HTML <select>

Hello, I have recently tried to extract the data from this website : Fiches Techniques de bateaux à moteurs et semi-rigides | Youboat FR (sorry it is in French but it doesn't matter)

Basically, there is a list of many boats separated in brands and products. When you selected these two information, you can click on a link to see your boat.

My problem is this : there is no actual link between the pages, there is only a double which is not a proper link. So I cannot really navigate between the pages.

Hope you have a solution ! :slight_smile:

@vicmiz Hi, the product links seem to be fully functional.


{"_id":"youboat-com","startUrl":["https://www.youboat.com/fr/ft/fiche-technique"],"selectors":[{"delay":0,"id":"links","multiple":true,"parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":".col-sm-4 a","type":"SelectorLink"},{"delay":0,"id":"title","multiple":false,"parentSelectors":["links"],"regex":"","selector":"h1","type":"SelectorText"}]}