Did you remove the regex function?

Hey guys, did you remove the ability to use regex, I remember before for example in the text selector there was the ability to input a regular expression, but now it's gone. Did you move it somewhere else or remove it entirely?

The regex extraction has been deprecated. If already configured, it will continue to work, but there won't be an option to add a new regex filter.

Moving forward, regex filters should be applied using the Parser functionality within the cloud account or directly in Excel or Google Sheets for non-cloud users.

I see, well it sucks. For example, if the text you need is in a giant block of text, extracting it via regex was very useful, too bad the devs decided to remove it.

there is a way to use RegEx from an older version of scraper... don't be too worry ))

Yes, there is, but it's a terrible way, you need to have an old sitemap with regex in it, import and change the tag to your needed one, or know enough about programming to insert it into the json itself, and that's not really the webscraper.io users base.
And I'm not worried, I'm just saying it sucks that they remove it, basically making the extension worse for no reason, that's all.

just a commercial reason, nothing beyound that... I paste the sitemaps into Regex version, make changes with all needed regular expressions and export it back to PC with no-RegEx extension....

Commercial, so of you buy premium you can use it?
What exactly is "Parser functionality within the cloud account"?

I don't know... I use free extension )

Same here, but you said "just a commercial reason", so I thought you know why

I just review this forum and found developer's answer regarding this topic.... that's it )

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