Delay after "element click" doesnt work

Hi fellas!

I need an advice to crawl this site.

target :

I have to click "Check Price / Days to ship" first in order to get "Unit Price" text value.
Page will fetch the content (about 3 secs) and then shows the "Unit Price"

Test 1 :
I already set an Element Click on that button, then get the "Unit Price" text Value.
Result : Webscraper took a value before element was clicked.

Test 2 :
I already set an Element Click on that button, then set a delay value (around 15s) and get the "Unit Price" text Value.
Result : Still same Webscraper took a value before element was clicked.

Here is my sitemap :

{"_id":"sumi_lagi","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"unit price","type":"SelectorText","parentSelectors":["klik_check_price"],"selector":"li:nth-of-type(2) dl","multiple":false,"regex":"","delay":15000},{"id":"klik_check_price","type":"SelectorElementClick","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"ul.m-cartBox__list","multiple":false,"delay":"3000","clickElementSelector":"a.m-btn--checkPrice","clickType":"clickOnce","discardInitialElements":"do-not-discard","clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText"}]}

What should I do to get the "Unit Price" Value?
Did I took a wrong selector or something?

Not sure about the site as it requires to register before you are able to view it, but usually in this situation changing the 'Discard the initial element' to 'Discard when click element exists' does the trick. Also, check the 'Multiple' checkbox for the 'Element Click Selector'.

Dont worry, you may use my dummy account to try it by yourself. Please try it.

Yes i did that. But still no luck.

Hmm multiple? Why multiple have to be use? I just need a one click on one button.


I have made it! Thank you.

Can you please give me more explanation about how to use "Discard Initial Elements"?

The scraper collects data before and after a click, so if there is information available before a click, it will get discarded (For example, information about a product, when the variation has not been clicked on yet, resulting in duplicate results with NULL value in the variation field)