Data preview always more than dowloaded data

No matter how I set it up, I can only download the first 30 questions, but data preview normal

Url: Search


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thanks a lot, I'm so grateful ::

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i try use :nth-of-type(-n+100) control the number of scrape data, but seems it doesn't work, it still infinite scroll down, could you help me to check it? thanks a lot


For Quora website, it is possible to separate the scroller from the data scrapers. This example will get you about 125 rows. Adjust as needed:

{"_id":"forum-quora","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"Separate scroller","type":"SelectorElementScroll","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div#mainContent div > div.q-box > div > div[class^='CssComponent-sc']:nth-of-type(-n+125)","multiple":true,"delay":"4500"},{"id":"Row wrappers","type":"SelectorElement","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div#mainContent div > div.q-box > div > div[class^='CssComponent-sc']","multiple":true},{"id":"Topic and Link","type":"SelectorLink","parentSelectors":["Row wrappers"],"selector":"a.q-box","multiple":false}]}


work like a charm, thank a lot ::