Collect Email Behind Clickable Pop-up

Hello and thanks for reading this message.

I am trying to collect an email from the following link. The email is hidden behind a clickable pop-up under Enquiries Contact which displays when clicked. I am able to write the code to click on the button to make the pop-up display but when clicking on any part of the page (Including the developer pane). I have placed the code I have written so far.

Is there a way to keep the clickable pop-up open long enough to choose the email?

Thank again

{"_id":"20250204_tUoMas","startUrl":["A/Prof Jagannath Aryal : Find an Expert : The University of Melbourne > div","type":"SelectorElementClick"}]}

Something Like This


That's fantastic, thanks for your help, Jakirhasan. Very much appreciated :grinning:

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