Can't get scroll down to work


I can't get this site with infinite scroll (it isn't really infinite though) to scroll down.

I dont have too much experience with scroll down selectors. Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you!

{"_id":"bitvalve","startUrl":[" https://www."],"selectors":[{"id":"scroll","parentSelectors":["_root"],"type":"SelectorElementScroll","selector":"div[class="focus-within:shadow-input"]","multiple":true,"delay":2000,"elementLimit":500},{"id":"name","parentSelectors":["scroll"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":"a.font-semibold","multiple":false,"regex":""},{"id":"paymentmethod","parentSelectors":["scroll"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":".hidden div","multiple":false,"regex":""},{"id":"price","parentSelectors":["scroll"],"type":"SelectorText","selector":"div.font-semibold","multiple":false,"regex":""}]}

This web site has pseudo scrolling, I know there is a tricky way to do it, but I would suggest after you start your sitemap to make a pause at first, let say for 20 sec. This time will be enough to scroll manually to the bottom of your list and after that you can gather completely all data you need...