Cannot make simple Load More button work

Hi, im doing a simple click on "load more" button but it doesnt seem to work. When i press "scrape" in the web scrape extension i see the page but never see the load more button clicking.

The button is "Carregar mais" below the items. What am i doing badly? I tried to put another action after the button is clicked but i think that it never happened.

{"_id":"ingressorapido","startUrl":[""],"selectors":[{"id":"click","type":"SelectorElementClick","parentSelectors":["_root"],"selector":"div.item","multiple":true,"delay":"2000","clickElementSelector":".event-list div.action","clickType":"clickMore","discardInitialElements":"do-not-discard","clickElementUniquenessType":"uniqueText"}]}


This is actually a fairly standard website with "Load More". There is already a very good tutorial for "Load More" from the WS team at:

The "Load More" bit actually starts around 5:12, but you should really watch it all the way from the beginning 'cos it explains important concepts such as wrapper elements, element selection, child selectors, etc.

BTW, this same video also covers "Infinite Scroll" at around 3:25.

Hey leemeng, thanks for answering. I saw the video and i have done a couple of scrapers already (not with click selector) .

In this case the scrapper doesnt seem to recognize the button and i dont know why, when i tried to choose it it does not get highlighted so i tried with the developer element inspect with no luck , i will go on trying.

Hi I've taken a look at the site source and it is using iframes. I can't get get WS to click on the button either.

is there anything that can be done? kind of workaorund or something?