Angular Page - Input Element - Null Value

I am trying to make a selector to get the "value" attribute from the input element that is selected.
What I have done
Added a selector
Gave it an ID: ContractorEmail
Gave it a type: ElementAttribute
Hit Select: Selected Element
Verified it selected the Input element
Hit Dropdown to See Attribute Values.
Selected one randomly and hit Data Preview to see if it grabs data (it does)
"value" attribute is not there. Typed in manually (as per suggested by another forum response)
Get Null Value.

I am confused on what else I need to do. When I run a Jquery Selector in Console I get the value without issue.


Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Url: %table %t form - DIR Services

Hi, Webscraper is intended to scrape data from the HTML. As far as I can see, the input data is not rendered in the HTML.

But then how does it reside in DOM?

There are several possible options like, for example, Dynamic Loading with JavaScript, and Hidden Backend APIs.