Scraping window closes after first pagination click

I'm trying to scrape URLs from the sidebar of Google Maps. Here is the url:

  • I created in _root a link selector with the path a.section-result-action. Data preview works.
  • Than i created in _root an Element click selector. The parent selector is div.section-result - those are divs with urls.
  • The click selector has the path span.n7lv7yjyC35__button-next-icon.
  • Click type is Click more - because after each click comes new data.
  • Click element uniqueness is as per default Unique text.
  • Multiple isn't checked - because there is only one button on the page.
  • Discard initial elements: Always discard (but i tested all settings here).

After saving selector i click on the right on data preview of the Element Click. I see how the paginated button is clicked and the sidebar gets new data after each reloading. But on the end there comes data preview window, which is empty.

If i start the scraping, i see how on the first page the pagination button is clicked, sidebar loads new data... and the scraping windows closes, after first pagination click. If i then go to check, which data was scraped, i see just data from the first page.

Whats going wrong? How can i get this pagination working?

Refer here, where there is a similar google paginate issue: