Infinite scroll down: skip N first results

Describe the problem.
There're 3,000 results in a webpage and I'd like to skip the first N results

What command should i add to the selector?



You can try either an nth-child or nth-of-type selector, e.g. to get result #123 onwards, try

Ref: Mastering the :nth-child

Hi leemeng, thanks for the link!

I studied that link + another few posts where you had replied:
(i) Limit Infinite Scroll
(ii) Extracting first n elements on page with infinite data

In my case I had to add the limit BEFORE the div – no idea why

It has taken 3 hours to understand!!! It got me crazy!

Thanks for your help. You helped me a lot!!

My bad on the initial post, it should be 'nth-of-type(n+123)` in that example (no minus).

Your selector seems redundant. The one below should do it:

That would get all rows from 1-10000. If you wanted to get row 1234-8000, it would look something like:


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Yup - you're totally right.

I amended the limits and it's working perfectly.

Thanks a lot, bro!